Sunday, 20 November 2011

Curiosity Killed The Cat.

 I'm undecided as to wether I'd have preferred the disappointment first hand or if I'm glad I googled what I did. Every month I vow to myself that I'll wait for my Glossy Box and I won't succumb to the bloggers who have the perk of having their boxes delivered straight to them rather than awaiting the arrival of the box to their uni address from home, enabling a speedy reveal post.

 Last month I welcomed my findings... this month however... Perfume samples, again? I could go to each department store in Manchester and probably blag more than the Glossy Boxes worth in free perfume samples alone. So why, why do they insist on including them?! Nobody enjoys them every month, its like the shit stocking filler you get every year. (Not that you ever buy any shit stocking fillers if you're reading, Dad!) Maybe they'll pull their finger out for the Christmas box (!!) and it will be as good as they're hyping it up to be on their Facebook...

 Another item in this months box is a pack of the Nail Rock Wraps... Brillo. If you read my 101 Dalmation Attempts  post then you will feel my pain. I'm going to give them one last go when they arrive although I'm not holding out much hope. I watched yet another infuriating YouTube tutorial showing just how easy peasy they are to apply and nearly punched the screen, so heres hoping millionth time is the charm! If previous boxes are anything to go by then I wont be receiving the Phillip Kinglsey Elasticizer included in some lucky beggars November boxes but will instead I'll be given the deathly boring Dead Sea Bath Salts... I suppose time will only tell what delights I receive but if you ever see me on the street smelling of Illamasqua 'Freak' mixed with salt, bad hair and even worse nails you can rightly assume it was a terrible month on the Glossy Box front.

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